Jumat, 18 April 2014

Directions: Read the story. Then answer the questions below.

“New Shoes for Maddy”

Maddy loves to jump rope, ride her scooter, and ride her skateboard. One day, Maddy gets a hole in the shoes she likes best while riding her scooter. They are pink with hearts and a Velcro tab. Now she needs new shoes.

Maddy's mom takes her to the department store on Saturday morning. The store is filled with people looking for shirts, dresses, pants, and toys. Maddy's mom takes her to the shoe area.

The shoe area is crowded, and there is a long wait. Maddy does not mind. Maddy sees a pair of purple sneakers with orange laces. She sees a pair of red sandals with dots. She sees a pair of green flip-flops. She wants the purple sneakers.

"But you do not know how to tie your laces," says Maddy's mom. 

"I will learn," says Maddy. 

Maddy's mother thinks. She does not want to tie Maddy's laces each morning before school. 

"If we buy the purple sneakers, you must learn to tie them before you can wear them to school," says Maddy's mom. 

"I will! I promise!" says Maddy. She is very happy. 

Maddy practices tying her laces for the rest of the day. She practices more on Sunday. Finally, she learns how to tie her laces. 

She gets to wear her new shoes to school on Monday. 

"I did it," she says with a big smile.


1) Why does Maddy need new shoes?

A. Her shoes are too small.

B. Her shoes are very old.

C. She lost her favorite shoes.

D. She got a hole in her shoes.


2) How does Maddy get a hole in her shoes?

A. riding her skateboard

B. riding her scooter

C. jumping rope

D. playing basketball


3) Which shoes have a hole?
A. the green flip-flops
B. the red sandals
C. the pink shoes with hearts
D. the purple sneakers

4) Which shoes does Maddy want to buy?
A. the pink shoes with hearts
B. the purple sneakers
C. the green flip-flops
D. the red sandals with dots

5) How does Maddy feel about the long wait at the store?
A. She is mad about it.
B. She is happy about it.
C. She is excited about it.
D. She feels okay about it.

6) Who does Maddy see in the store?
A. a lot of people
B. her older sister
C. her friends from school
D. one of her neighbors

7) When can Maddy wear her shoes to school?
A. when she learns how to tie the laces
B. as soon as she leaves the store
C. after summer vacation
D. tomorrow

8) As used in paragraph 8, what does promise mean?
A. that Maddy wants to learn to tie
B. that Maddy will learn to tie
C. that Maddy cannot learn to tie
D.. that Maddy might learn to tie

9) What does Maddy's mom not want to do?
A. buy Maddy new shoes
B. buy Maddy green flip-flops
C. buy more than one pair of shoes
D. tie Maddy's shoes each morning

10) How might Maddy feel after learning to tie?
I. happy
II. proud
III. nervous
A. I only
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. I, II, and III

11) What lesson did Maddy learn?
A. Practice makes perfect.
B. Do not ride a scooter with pink shoes.
C. Be careful what you wish for.
D. School is fun with new shoes.

Answers and Explanations

1) D
At the beginning, the story says, “One day, Maddy gets a hole in the shoes she likes best while riding her scooter. They are pink with hearts and a Velcro tab. Now she needs new shoes.” We can understand from this that Maddy needs new shoes because she got a hole in the shoes with the pink hearts. This means (D) is correct.
2) B
At the beginning, the story says, “Maddy gets a hole in the shoes she likes best while riding her scooter.” This makes (B) correct.

3) C
At the beginning, the story says, “Maddy gets a hole in the shoes she likes best while riding her scooter. They are pink with hearts and a Velcro tab.” We can understand from this that Maddy got a hole in the shoes with pink hearts. This makes (C) correct.
4) B
In the middle of the story, while Maddy is in the store, she “sees a pair of purple sneakers with orange laces. She sees a pair of red sandals with dots. She sees a pair of green flip-flops. She wants the purple sneakers.” We can understand from this that Maddy wants the purple sneakers, so (B) is correct.
5) D
Near the beginning, the story says, “The shoe area is crowded, and there is a long wait. Maddy does not mind.” We can understand from this that Maddy feels okay about waiting at the crowded store. This makes (D) correct.
6) A
At the beginning, when Maddy goes to the department store, “the store is filled with people looking for shirts, dresses, pants and toys.” Since the store is filled with people, we can understand that Maddy sees a lot of people. Therefore (A) is correct.

7) A
In the middle of the story, Maddy’s mother tells Maddy, "If we buy the purple sneakers, you must learn to tie them before you can wear them to school.” We can understand from this that Maddy must learn how to tie the laces before she can wear the sneakers to school. Therefore (A) is correct.
8) B
promise (verb): to give assurance that you will do something in the future.
In the middle of the story, Maddy’s mother says that Maddy must learn to tie the laces of the purple sneakers before Maddy may wear them to school. Maddy says “I will! I promise!” Since Maddy may only wear the shoes if she can tie them and Maddy says that she will learn, we can understand that Maddy is saying that she definitely will learn to tie the laces when Maddy says “I promise.” Therefore (B) is correct.

9) D
In the middle of the story, Maddy wants the sneakers with the laces. “Maddy's mother thinks. She does not want to tie Maddy's laces each morning before school.” Since Maddy’s mother does not want to tie Maddy’s shoes each morning, (D) is correct.

10) B
After Maddy learns how to tie the laces, Maddy says, “I did it.” Maddy says this “with a big smile.” Since Maddy has a big smile, Maddy is probably happy. This supports option (I). Since Maddy has worked hard to learn to tie her shoes, and exclaims that she did it, Maddy must be proud that she has learned to tie them. This supports option (II). Since Maddy wanted to learn how to tie the laces and she did learn, it is unlikely that Maddy feels nervous after learning to tie them. This eliminates option (III). Therefore (B) is correct.
11) A
In the story, Maddy picks out new shoes that she wants very much. In order to wear the shoes, Maddy must learn how to tie the laces. She has to practice for two days to learn how to tie her laces. Since Maddy has reached a goal that was important to her through hard work and practice, Maddy has learned that practice makes perfect. Therefore (A) is correct.

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