Rabu, 30 April 2014

In this lesson, we are going to learn how to introduce yourself. You would introduce yourself differently depending on what you were addressing an audience before you give a speech, meeting someone at a networking event, or just starting a conversation with a new person at a party.

First Example

Allie : Hello. My name is Allie, I am from New Jersey, United States. I am an accountant. I work in a telephone company. I am 25 years old.

Second Example

Cindy : Hi. I am Cindy. I am into designing. I create ad designs for an advertising company in New York.

Third Example

John : Hi there. I am John Smith. I am 28. I work as a plumber. Do you have any taps to fix?

Fourth Example

Nicola : Hello John. I am Nicola. I work as a receptionist in a construction company. I like my job very much. I live in New Jersey and I am 26 years old. My hobby is reading. I love to read novels.

Fifth Example

Joe : Hi! My name is Joe Brown. I am into software. I am a programmer. I am from California. I like swimming and going on treks.

Sixth Example

Mary : I am Mary. I am a school teacher and I teach in kindergarten. I took this job because I love children and I love teaching. In my free time I like to watch television and movies. I am 24 years old.

Seventh Example

Richard : Hi Mary! My name is Richard. I am 27. I am a sales manager. I work for a company that imports electric motors from China. I travel a lot for business, but I like to travel so it is fun.

Eighth Example

Linda : My name is Linda and I am from Ohio. I am a student. I am 23 years old. I have no hobbies because I have to study all day.

On the following links you can listen to and practise introducing activities in a variety of situations.





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